Dr Burns CBD PURE Muscle and Joint Ointment Product Review


If you're not already familiar with Dr. Burns she is an Arizona-licensed and board-certified Naturopathic Medical Doctor. Dr. Burns ReLeaf’s main goal is to formulate products based on science, and patients need for medical treatment with these botanical produts. Each of their products is specially formulated to treat conditions they see patients regularly suffering from.

As a person with Joint and Muscle issues I got a chance to try their CBD PURE Muscle and Joint Ointment in the vanilla option. Their Muscle and Joint Ointment also comes in a THC option which can be purchased at participating dispensaries.

The smell alone of this product is awesome, with some other botanical based brands I’ve noticed the smell is sometimes a little too herbal for certain situations. I personally am impartial but for those in the cannabis, or CBD, closet an overly herbal smell could pose some issues in certain situations. This vanilla ointment, on the other hand, smells so good you want to eat it. I found myself talking large inhales just to take in the sweet vanilla scent as much as I could. The ointment also comes in lavender and natural scents.

The pain relief aspect is really effective as well. I initially tried it after being sore from the gym because I knew I would be able to feel the biggest difference on actively sore muscles. I was in significantly less discomfort than normal just from using a small amount of the ointment on my sore muscles. Since then it’s become part of my daily routine treating tight muscles in my lower back from an injury.

The feel of this product is also something I haven’t found in many other topical products. It doesn’t have the slightest greasy, or sticky feeling after application. It absorbs comfortably into the skin just like a good moisturizer would.

I will definitely be recommending this product to anyone seeking a good pain “ReLeaf” topical. To learn more check out Dr. Burns ReLeaf website here.

Christina Mac